Growing Taro, also Dasheen, cocoyam

Colocasia esculenta : Araceae / the arum or lily family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
                P P P P

(Best months for growing Taro in Australia - sub-tropical regions)

  • P = Plant tubers
  • Plant small pieces of tuber or suckers, 5-8cm deep. Best planted at soil temperatures between 68°F and 95°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 31 inches apart
  • Harvest in approximately 28 weeks. When the leaves begin to die down. .
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Best in separate bed

Your comments and tips

16 Apr 14, Ash (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Hi I'm in adelaide. Can I see some pics of your taro pls?? And where in adelaide can I buy a plant
20 Mar 14, (Australia - tropical climate)
I live in Renmark South Australia and my Taro is flourishing I planted mine from shoots off of taro skins, around the last week of December 2013. the climate here has been cool followed by heat waves they are out in the open facing west the get the midday sun. mal
18 Dec 13, Adeela (Australia - tropical climate)
Hi, i am living in townsville. My taro plant is growing well but there is something that is eating my taro leaves. Cant figure out what it is. Can you guide me how to protect my taro leaves?
23 Apr 13, el arish (Australia - tropical climate)
There are many varieties available like bun long, sweet white, tania and Samoan pink. Try the variety you are buying before you plant it to make sure you like that particular taro as they have different flavor. And definitely make sure you are getting a named variety!! Some nurseries don't even know what they are selling.
18 Apr 13, Liz (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
There is an online supplier - search under Lushplants
21 Nov 12, (Australia - tropical climate)
On the weekend I picked up some edible Taro at the Willow's Markets in Townsville
29 Sep 12, Andrew (Australia - tropical climate)
Hi where can i buy edible taro in north queensland
11 Nov 13, lilian Ndaya (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
i grow three types of different edible taro, garden egg know as egg plant in Australia, known as anara in Igbo language, okra, yams, green known as amarantus and casava.
23 May 12, Taani (Australia - arid climate)
Hi where can I get the taro plants from because I need to grow some.. thanks
23 Apr 12, hugh (Australia - temperate climate)
Where can I get(buy) taro (edible) for planting in Melbourne? Thanks I would like your recommendation for a good variety to be brought to a school in Nth-East Thailand (Isarn) for a missionary who teach the people there to plant.(before May 10 2012) Regards.
Showing 31 - 40 of 42 comments

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